In my project I analyse the Xhosa language and culture, interview Xhosa-speakers and utilize that research to create a written script and a ready-to-use typeface specifically tailored for the Xhosa language. I do not plan to impose my script and typeface to be used further, however, I will be happy if my analysis and design decision spark discussion around why? how? who? should design written scripts for oral languages.
Comprehending that I am not Xhosa and have minimal knowledge about the culture, traditions and concepts behind it, I approach this project as a conceptual art/design project aiming to show how, through creative practices of Xhosa culture and within the Xhosa language, Africa(Xhosa)'s place in and relationship with the global is articulated and how can that be translated into visual symbols. I do so through careful investigation and relevant design decisions inputting minimal personal experience and rather focusing on the needs of the language and constraints provided by the environmental, cultural, socio-economic states among the majority of Xhosa-speakers. To do that, I researched literature and interviewed two native Xhosa-speakers: for one, Xhosa is the first language and for the other, one it is the second language. I respect the choice of Xhosa-speakers not to create writing script but suggest the possibility that someone did so. However, I did not find it given the limited time I spent on research.